Malaika Arora In Backless Dress: Bollywood actress Malaika Arora was recently spotted after a shoot in Mumbai. During this, some pictures of the actress have surfaced on social media, which are becoming increasingly viral. In these pictures, Malaika’s bo*ld look remains the talk of the town.
Photos of Malaika Arora
During this, Malaika Arora was looking very bo*ld in a backless dress. During this, Arjun Kapoor was not with Malaika, who was spotted after late night shooting, so the actress’ team was seen taking care of her. Everyone’s eyes are stopping on this strappy backless look of Malaika.
Malaika in a backless dress
Malaika Arora dominates her sizzling look more than one day. Malaika Arora Backless Dress sets new benchmarks in terms of style and fashion. Now once again such a charming style of Malaika Arora is being seen.
Had to take the support of the team
You can see in the pictures that Malaika experimented with her fashion statement, due to which she had to take the help of her entire team to walk. During this, someone held Malaika’s hand due to high heels, someone was seen handling her gown.
Malaika is famous for her daring looks
Let us tell you that this is not the first time that Malaika Arora is seen showing her beauty in a backless dress, but even before this, the actress has appeared in such a daring style many times.
Malaika car accident
Let us inform that in the beginning of April, Malaika Arora’s car had an accident. After which Malaika rested for a few days and then she returned to work.
One great quality of the clothes that Malaika Arora wears is that they do not take more than five seconds to remove for a roll in the hay!
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